Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Guy Banicki


Advanced Placement® and dual credit coursework have been associated with positive educational attainment outcomes for students and yet opportunity gaps exist for children to access these programs depending on the school they attend. The many benefits of Advanced Placement® and dual credit coursework for students make it necessary that any education agenda by policymakers should include avenues to increase access to these programs for students. This study explored Advanced Placement® and dual credit coursework in Illinois through the perceptions of teachers, principals, superintendents, and school board members using a cross-sectional survey. The survey was administered to examine whether there are differences in the four groups’ perceptions around early college curriculum, initiatives to improve access, and barriers to opportunity for students to take Advanced Placement® and DC courses. A one-way analysis of variance test demonstrated significant results.

The research conclusions suggested education leaders in the state of Illinois can be more intentional in their efforts to increase student access for to both Advanced Placement® and dual credit programs and there is a need to improve how schools recruit, develop, place, support and incentivize teachers to become credentialed to teach dual credit courses. Nine recommendations are given to increase student access to both early college programs along with five areas for future study.


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