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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Geography-Geology: Hydrogeology

Committee Chair

Eric W. Peterson


Groundwater and surface water are often studied as different system; however, one commonly affects the other through various scenarios. Bank storage is an important hydrogeological process, which involves the temporary storage and release of stream water in adjacent aquifers. Bank storage can contribute a considerable amount of discharge to a river and can be an important process for movement of contamination downstream. Several studies document the effects of increasing stage and increasing storm duration; however, these controls are often separated. This project examines peak stage and storm duration to determine which factor is statistically more influential on the bank-storage process. The study focuses on a small reach of Little Kickapoo Creek, a third-order, perennial stream located in central Illinois. A 3-D, transient-state numerical model (MODFLOW) was created of the study site, and 36 simulations were ran at various peak stages and storm durations.

Results illustrate that peak stage and storm durations, while both influential, affect different areas of the bank-storage process. However, peak stage is statistically more influential in controlling the maximum volume of bank storage (~3.6x) that occurs in the system and of the storage that remains in the system at 100 hours (~1.1x). While statistically less influential in determining storage remaining at 100 hours, increasing storm duration appears to be more effective on the retention of bank storage. Parafluvial exchange is important for evaluating bank storage along a meandering stream, suggesting that at least 2-D, ideally 3-D, models are used to evaluate bank storage. Lastly, this study recognizes that bank storage is the mechanism for road salt storage along the stream during winter months and the subsequent flushing of the chlorides back to the stream during the summer months.


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