Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology: Archaeology

Committee Chair

Elizabeth Scott

Committee Member

Kathryn Sampeck


Ste. Genevieve, Missouri is a small town south of St. Louis, settled by the French and home to the Janis-Ziegler site (23SG272). However, the German Ziegler family along with other German families resided in the town beginning in the early nineteenth century. The Ziegler family used the Janis-Ziegler site as a home and a tobacco shop. Beginning in 2006, archaeological investigations went underway on the Janis-Ziegler site. The purpose of this research is to figure out to what degree the Ziegler family showed their ethnicity while living at the Janis-Ziegler house. The second purpose of the research is to figure out whether the German ethnicity of the Ziegler family be uncovered through the material culture.

In this research, I reviewed the English and German newspapers from nineteenth-century Ste. Genevieve, to reveal any ethnic differences between the advertisements. I then compared the findings of the advertisements to the archaeological and Ziegler probate inventory data. By doing this, the Ziegler family ethnic preferences became more apparent. I also included research on the landscape at the Janis-Ziegler house and inheritance practices of the Ziegler family, since these areas may also reveal the Ziegler ethnic identity.


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