Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Alexandra Ilie

Committee Member

Dan Ispas


The present thesis reports the research and quantitative examination of the relation

between proactive personality and voluntary turnover, as well as the moderating influences of participation in development activities and perceptions of available career opportunities. Zero- order correlations and moderated binary logistic regression are used to test the hypotheses within an archival data set of 295 participations from a multinational European organization. A significant correlation was found between proactive personality and participation in developmental activities. Additionally, participation in developmental activities was found to be a negative predictor of voluntary turnover. Results of the moderated logistic regression analysis showed that both participation in developmental activities and perceived career opportunities were significant moderators of the relation between proactive personality and voluntary turnover when added to the predictive models. Following an explanation of the results, the interpretation of such effects are discussed as well as the strengths, limitations, and implications for research and practice.


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