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Graduation Term


Document Type

Dissertation-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Steven B. Mertens


With the increase of available technologies in the school setting and the sharing of teaching practices through social media, with increased frequency teachers are exploring a concept called the flipped classroom, or the flipped learning model. When implementing this instructional strategy, educators essentially flip the timing of content delivery with homework practice. For example, students may watch a lecture video explaining a concept prior to class time, then complete traditional homework, or the application of concepts and newly acquired skills, with the assistance and guidance of the teacher, during school day. Despite increased interest in this strategy, little research exists on the current reality of its implementation in secondary education and what teachers believe to be the depth of its impact on student learning. This study surveyed secondary educators from three suburban high school districts to examine how the strategy is being implemented by a cross-section of educators. Further, data was captured to investigate the likelihood of a teacher to implement the flipped classroom based on teacher, student, and classroom characteristics, the reasons why teachers are choosing not to utilize the flipped classroom, and teachers’ overall beliefs about the flipped learning model.


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