Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Michael Torry


This thesis reports the results of a quantitative research project which examined kinetics of female collegiate gymnasts aged 18 to 21 performing a ‘punching’ counter-movement jump (CMJ) technique that is taught and required for exemplar scoring during NCAA competition. Twelve female gymnasts were recruited from the competitive team at Illinois State University. Participation was voluntary and athletes were not compensated. Each gymnast performed 8 punch-CMJ trials without coaching instruction except to perform a punching CMJ. The method of performing this CMJ began by stepping off from a 33 cm elevation, ‘punching’ off the force plates, and finishing with a landing on the same force plates, one foot on each plate. A 3-dimensional Vicon motion analysis system was used to collect kinematic data, and one force plate was used to collect ground reaction forces under the left limb during the jumps. Vertical ground reaction force and joint kinetics of the ankle of the left leg were analyzed using inverse dynamic analysis technique.

The trials were observed and rated categorically from bad, not very good, decent, good and very good by a professional gymnastics coach. Utilizing an ANOVA, differences between the categories for peak left ankle power (Lankle) and the peak left vertical ground reaction forces (LVGRF) were observed with a clear trend in increasing peak ankle power and increasing peak LVGRF with more efficient punch movement patterns. This indicates that coaching athletes to master this movement in order to perform it with high quality, will subject the ankle to higher ankle power, and higher LVGRF at impact.


Page Count


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Biomechanics Commons
