Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Special Education

Committee Chair

Debra Shelden


This qualitative study was designed to examine the perspectives of addressing leisure in curriculum for students with severe disabilities. Quality of life disucssions have shown the importance of considering skills to prepare them for adulthood which includes leisure outcomes. Research has examined many different aspects of transition including vocational education, but limited research has been conducted relating to leisure outcomes. Qualitative data obtained through semi-structured interviews indicated that more research is needed in leisure education including curriculum development and prioritization of skills taught. The participants reflected on their own definitions of leisure, current leisure outcomes, and the types of assessment and curriculum developed to promote leisure education. Overall findings suggest that teachers are using many of the best practices found in special education, but do not directly teach a structured leisure education program. Their current practices include teaching enhancement skills such as social skills, communication, choice making, and independent living goals, but do not teach specific core skills realted to leisure development. Implications for future research include further examination on how we should assess leisure education core skills, the skills taught in a leisure curriculum, and how to evaluate leisure outcomes.

KEYWORDS: Transition, Leisure, Students, Severe Disability, Quality of Life


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