Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Special Education

Committee Chair

Debbie Shelden


This exploratory qualitative study was designed to examine the perspectives of secondary general education teachers’ involvement within the transition for all youth, including youth with disabilities. Youth with disabilities continue to find less success than peers without disabilities during postsecondary life. Research has examined special education teachers and transition professionals’ roles within the transition process, but limited research has been conducted relating to general education teachers’ roles. Qualitative data obtained through semi-structured interviews indicate the opportunity for more substantive involvement in transition planning for all students, including those with disabilities. Overall findings suggest that general educators have desired student outcomes for all students, develop relationships with students, expose students to postsecondary options and help them set goals, facilitate opportunities for students to develop needed skills for adult life, participate in IEP meetings, and communicate and collaborate. Implications for future research include special educators providing general education teachers with information and opportunities to engage in the transition process.

KEYWORDS: Transition, Secondary, Student, Disability


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