Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Wendy G. Troxel


With higher accountability standards, divisions of student affairs must find alternative ways to balance the rising costs of college with the survival and growth of the programs and services expected. This study examined one such alternative, fundraising in student affairs, to further develop the profession's understanding of engaging in or growing development efforts. As more divisions become involved, it becomes important to learn from colleagues in the profession who are engaging in development activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which divisions of student affairs were involved in fundraising activities at seven 4-year public universities across four Midwestern states. A pair of vice presidents for student affairs and advancement was interviewed using a semi-structured interview format at each of the seven institutions. In addition to the voices of the participants, documents and artifacts were collected and analyzed individually and collectively.

Using an interpretivist paradigm, the results of this study provided insight into what types of development initiatives divisions of student affairs were participating in, a deeper understanding of who was involved in fundraising efforts, how and in what ways the two divisions (institutional advancement and student affairs) were collaborating, and the effects of involvement by staff on traditional responsibilities and organizational structures. The study's findings also offer those who work in divisions of student affairs a broader understanding of fundraising practices and how to leverage participation in such practices if desired. This foundation provides practitioners with strategies on how to work together to create a more systematic and coordinated effort for accomplishing the institution's fundraising goals.


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