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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology: Clinical-Counseling Psychology

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Kahn


This thesis reports the results of a quantitative project that investigated rumination, depressive symptoms, and personality factors as possible predictors of different styles of creative achievement. This research project also focused on different measures of rumination and their respective validity. Participants were undergraduate students at a Midwest university who agreed to participate completed an internet survey.

Two hundred students participated in the survey, and the results were tested using multiple regression analyses with SPSS. The results showed that one of the rumination measures showed acceptable discriminant and convergent validity, whereas a similar measure failed to show discriminant validity and had an unacceptable level of method bias. Further, the results showed that both styles of rumination tested failed to predict any type of creative achievement. In addition, current level of depressive symptoms was not associated with any creative achievement, whereas openness to experience significantly predicted one of the creative achievement measures.


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