Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Rena Shifflet


This study was based on the concern that in developing nations, the vast majority of pastors in local churches have no training to prepare them for the duties they are expected to carry out as ministers. With the increase of technology being available around the world, the questions have arisen as to whether or not technology can be utilized to help improve access to this training.

A qualitative approach was employed to interview thirteen people involved in global theological education in developing nations and to learn from them as to the trends that they see being utilized in regards to educational technology in the training of pastors in remote areas. From these interviews, issues such as barriers to the use of technology as well as models that are being investigated and being utilized in various parts of the globe were reviewed.

The results of this study reveal that there are several methods that are beginning to be used in training pastors in rural areas of developing nations that have potential to continue to expand to train pastors throughout the world.


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