Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Committee Chair

Jennifer L. Barnes


Background: College students often develop unhealthy eating habits. Poor eating habits can lead to chronic disease.

Methods: Energy intake and physical activity data from 35 undergraduate students enrolled in a 100-level kinesiology class were recorded and analyzed. Energy intake data was self-reported, while physical activity data was recorded via an activity tracker.

Results: Data points were analyzed twice: each day separately and as averages for each participant. When analyzed as averages, grams of total fat and grams of carbohydrate were the most significantly correlated with minutes of moderate to vigorous+ physical activity (both p<0.01). When analyzed by day, grams of protein, total fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, sugar, and fiber were all found to be significantly correlated with minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity to the p≤0.01 level.

Conclusion: An increase in physical activity is associated with a greater increase in the consumption of carbohydrates and total fat than protein. Future studies should seek to investigate the difference in the increase of carbohydrate and total fat versus protein and whether participants consume the same foods when they participate in increased physical activity as they do when they engage in lower intensity physical activity.


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