Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology: School Psychology

Committee Chair

Renée M. Tobin

Committee Member

Adena B. Meyers


Research has shown links between mental health concerns, substance abuse concerns, and recidivism for youth. However, the vast majority of studies have not examined the impact that receiving services or treatment compliance has on this relationship. In this study, mental health concerns, mental health treatment, alcohol and substance abuse concerns, alcohol and substance abuse treatment and recidivism within the juvenile justice system were examined. The electronic and paper probation files and the paper court files for 77 youth were examined to determine the impact that receiving mental health or substance abuse services has on reducing the likelihood of recidivism. Furthermore, the impact of treatment compliance with these services was examined. Hierarchical regressions and correlations were run to examine the relation between these variables. Results indicated that youth who were receiving treatment for mental health or substance abuse concerns were more likely to reoffend than youth who were not receiving these services. Furthermore, treatment compliance was not significantly correlated with recidivism. Given the limited research in this area, these results should be tested again against different data sets with more diverse youth.


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Psychology Commons
