Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Agriculture

Committee Chair

Richard Steffen


This study examined factors contributing to Illinois General Assembly members’ perceptions of school-based agricultural education. Personal characteristics and multiple media sources were examined to determine if any of these factors affected their perception of school-based agricultural education. These factors included the population area of where the legislator grew up, the population area of the district the legislator represents, the geographical location of the legislator’s district, whether the legislator lived on a farm, and whether the legislator worked on a farm. The factors also included frequency of seeing information about school-based agricultural education on multiple media source including television, radio, newspaper, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, constituents in school-based agricultural education programs, family and FFA alumni member, Illinois Agricultural Education website, and invitations to school-based agricultural education program events. The sample consisted of 29 subjects.

The data analysis revealed significant results. The geographical location of the legislator’s district, seeing information about school-based agricultural education on Facebook and Twitter, and invitations to school-based agricultural education events. Legislators from Cook/collar counties had a lower perception of school-based agricultural education compared to other location groups. Legislators also tended to have a higher perception of school-based agricultural education if they saw information about school-based agricultural education on Facebook 3-5 times a year. These findings have practical implications for school-based agricultural education programs to market themselves to state legislatures better.


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