Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology: Archaeology

Committee Chair

Abigail Stone


Archaeological investigations at the Range site (11S47) in the American Bottom region of Illinois resulted in the recovery of over 3,300 domestic dog (Canis familiaris) remains. Fifty-two dog burials associated with the Late Woodland Patrick phase (A.D. 650-900) and Terminal Late Woodland Period (A.D. 900-1050) were identified in the assemblage. The well-preserved nature of these remains allowed for the examination and interpretation of pathology and trauma, providing insight into the role and treatment of dogs at the site. The data obtained from the Range assemblage indicate the most common pathologies present are antemortem tooth absence, periodontal disease, cranial trauma, rib fractures, and vertebral trauma. Based on archaeological investigations and ethnohistoric accounts, the Range dogs likely served primarily as beasts of burden and although they likely endured harsh treatment, there is also evidence that sick or crippled dogs were well cared for. The patterns observed at Range compare favorably with other sites in the American Bottom region that have canid remains.


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