Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Kristen M. Lagally


PURPOSE: The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of how universities are implementing EIM-OC at their campus with specific focus on the involved departments/entities, the client experience, and programming options.

METHODS: The participants for the study were the university representatives for all currently recognized Exercise is Medicine® on Campus programs. The date was collected via Qualtrics survey, containing 49 questions, which was distributed via email to 172 schools (both domestic and international), to which 24 responses were submitted. Participants were identified via ACSM Exercise is Medicine® on Campus advisor email list for all universities with a registered EIM-OC team.

RESULTS: Data were analyzed using SPSS software, and frequency analyses were completed for each question. Results provided information about the specific related departments existing on each campus, the involvement of these departments in the EIM-OC program, and which universities currently utilize health care referrals, individualized training, and/or a transition process as part of their EIM-OC program.

CONCLUSION: Survey results provide evidence of a variety of structures and activities involved in current EIM-OC programs, with anecdotal evidence of the benefits for clients and improved relationships across related departments campus-wide. There is minimal data currently available, but some universities are working to provide objective evidence in regards to both program and client success. In conclusion, the results of this information has provided insight to Illinois State University’s EIM-OC program, specifically the referral, individualized programming, and transition processes of other universities and this information can be used to further improve Illinois State’s program and propose rationale for future research.


Page Count


Included in

Kinesiology Commons
