Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Gregory Braswell


This study examined diversity in the socialization goals (SGs) of Palestinian mothers from different educational and socioeconomic backgrounds. It specifically looked at their cultural model using the Family Change model to analyze elements of collectivism and individualism in their attitudes and goals for the future. Purposeful-convenience sampling was used to recruit twelve urban Arab mothers of first grade children from two types of socio-economic backgrounds (SES). Each mother was interviewed about her goals and asked to describe her child. The interviews were analyzed thematically, and coding was guided by that used by other studies on SGs. One main finding was that mothers with higher education had more goals related to self-maximization, particularly in relation to choosing a career, thriving and being highly successful in that. Mothers with less educational attainment had education as a goal, also valuing employment with an emphasis on stability of income and comfort. Both groups of mothers reported goals related to decency including “avoiding illicit behaviors”, having “morals” and “treating others well”. Collectivism and individualism were both present in the goals and descriptors of Palestinian mothers with some differences across maternal education and SES.

autonomous-related cultural model, socialization goals, Palestinian mothers, Family Change model, maternal education, socioeconomic background


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