Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Special Education

Committee Chair

Howard P. Parette


Given that all people are living longer, increased opportunities are needed for services and supports to enhance one's quality of life both at midlife and in later years. The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the quality of life perspectives of individuals with intellectual disability in midlife, their parents or guardians, and their day program case managers. Using an interview process, the study participants provided quality of life descriptors for participating individuals with intellectual disability, as well as perspectives regarding needed current and future supports and services.

The study included three triads, each consisting of an individual with intellectual disability who is in midlife, his or her parent or guardian, and a case manager who worked with the individual with intellectual disability for at least three years. Analysis involved coding of participant interviews to identify themes, subsequently allowing comparisons to be made within and across triads. Although participants within triads knew the individual with intellectual disability in their respective triad, participant-identified descriptors related to quality of life and needed supports and services varied across triads. Participant descriptors were also compared to Schalock's eight core quality of life domains (Schalock et al., 2007).


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