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Family and Consumer Sciences


Ui-Jeen Yu

Mentor Department

Family and Consumer Sciences


This study investigated faux leather’s durability, abrasion resistance, and colorfastness related to various abrasions, surface contact, and rubbing. Authentic leather is not ideal to fashion designers and brands because it can produce an excessive polluting substance due to the use of harmful chemicals in the production process. This is why faux leather would be a prime alternative choice for environmentally conscious production. Our main focus was to test faux leather fabrics’ abrasion resistance because there could be potential issues with the coatings involved. Two different types of faux leather fabrics were tested in this study: 1) faux leather fabric with PU coating (base: 100% polyester, coated: 100% polyurethane), 2) textured faux leather fabric without PU coating (100% polyester). The faux leather fabrics were tested by using ASTM and AATCC standard test methods in relation to durability, abrasion resistance, and colorfastness to crocking (surface contact) and frosting (flat abrasion). Results indicate the PU coating faux leather fabric was durable and abrasion resistant against flat and flex abrasions, and pilling; also had good colorfastness to crocking and frosting. The textured faux leather fabric without PU coating was resistant against flex abrasion and pilling only. The different results from each faux leather fabrics requires more research and investigation as to what may make one faux leather superior to another faux leather.


Authors: Haley Parks, Ui-Jeen Yu, and Meara Walsh

Case Study Of Durability, Abrasion Resistance, And Colorfastness Pertaining To Crocking And Frosting On Faux Leather Fabrics