Document Type


Publication Title

Society of American Archivists, College & University Archive Section, Spring Webinar Series

Publication Date

Spring 4-15-2021


time capsule, outreach, processing


In Spring 2016, a phone call arrived at the Rayfield Archives from the demolition site of an Illinois State University campus dormitory. Workers at the site had uncovered a time capsule and didn’t know where to send it. In the following months, the Rayfield Archives partnered with ISU units, including Marketing and Facilities, to promote the find and redirect a narrative of the sad loss of a dormitory to one of renewal and discovery. The work to triage the damaged capsule materials and make them immediately accessible was made all the more exciting by a second surprise time capsule discovery. Anderson-Zorn will discuss the steps taken to work with the materials from discovery to storage and how University partnerships have informed future historic-themed celebrations and discoveries.


Video of the presentation can be found here:

Video of the webinar series can also be found on the Society of American Archivists YouTube channel:

TimeCapsule_C&UA - with notes.pdf (4601 kB)
Slides with notes



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