"Inner Ear Disorders Associated with Hearing and Vestibular Loss: A Cas" by Kelly Retzlaff

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date


First Advisor

Nicholas Stanley, AuD, PhD


Audiology, Vestibular, sudden sensorineural hearing loss, labyrinthitis, dizziness, hearing loss


Speech and Hearing Science | Speech Pathology and Audiology


Introduction: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL), a hearing loss of at least 30 dB at three or more consecutive frequencies within a 72-hour period, is typically idiopathic. Potential causes are thought to include viral, autoimmune, vascular, neurologic, neoplastic, or traumatic origins. Treatment consists of steroids. Poor patient follow up and compliance with rehabilitation negatively affect outcomes. Poor follow-up also results in the inadequate medical documentation of outcomes. Case Presentation: a 20-year old female presented with unilateral SSNHL with high-frequency tinnitus in the right ear. Her audiological history includes a known profound hearing loss in the left ear, as well as, occasional dizziness combined with headaches and tinnitus that are exacerbated by exercise. Discussion: Results of treatment are variable. Partial or complete recovery of audiological thresholds is more likely with timely diagnosis and treatment. Conclusion: Further research is needed to determine the causes of poor follow up and rehabilitation compliance.

Introduction: Labyrinthitis is an impairment of the hearing and vestibular areas of the inner ear. Symptoms of this deficiency include dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss that typically presents unilaterally. There are many potential causes of labyrinthitis including bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, or toxic substances. Case Presentation: A 78-year-old male sought a diagnosis and treatment for ongoing and progressive vertiginous episodes. His medical history was significant for a sudden sensorineural hearing loss, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and cancer. Diagnosis and treatment of vestibular disorders are essential for the prevention of falls in the elderly population. Conclusion: Continued research in the areas of diagnosis and treatment for vestibular disorders such as labyrinthitis may be helpful in improving the efficiency of diagnostic procedures and the effectiveness of treatment.
