"Developing a Revised Performance-Perceptual Test Using Quick Speech-in" by Matthew Wetmore and Hua Ou

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date



audiology, speech, noise, hearing, aid, use, success, predict


Speech Pathology and Audiology


Objective: Two audiometric speech measures have been recognized to be useful to predict hearing aid use success: the Quick Speech-in-Noise (QuickSIN) test and the Performance-Perceptual Test (PPT). The PPT involves using the same speech test material (Hearing In Noise Test; HINT) twice, to evaluate patients’ objective and subjective speech recognition performance in noise and the discrepancy between the two measures (Performance-Perceptual Discrepancy; PPDIS). Utilizing the QuickSIN with the PPT (Revised-PPT) may provide a clinician with two important pieces of information from one test to help predict hearing aid use success and the need for counseling. This study aimed 1) to evaluate the validity and reliability of using the QuickSIN speech material to administer the PPT and establish normative data across listeners with normal hearing (NH) and hearing loss (HL), and 2) to examine the relationship between the Revised-PPT and hearing aid use outcome.

Methods: Of the total 65 participants between 18 and 88 years of age, 20 (31%) had normal hearing and 45 (69%) had essentially sensorineural hearing loss, ranging from mild to profound in both ears. Thirty-two of the 45 participants with hearing loss were hearing aid users. All participants completed the original PPT using HINT and the Revised-PPT using QuickSIN, via soundfield. Hearing aid users completed the tests unaided, along with completing the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA).

Results: There were no significant PPDIS differences between the NH and HL groups (t(63) = 1.08, p = .28). Normative values for the Revised-PPT were established, placing understimators with a PPDIS at ≤ -1.0 dB, overstimators at ≥ 0.63 dB, and accurate estimators in-between these two values. The results revealed 14% of disagreement across all participants when participants were identified as understimators on the Revised-PPT but overestimators on the original PPT, or vice versa. . The Revised-PPT provided high test-retest reliability (Performance r = 0.92; Perceptual r = 0.84; PPDIS r = 0.62; all p values < .0001). The results from a step-wise multiple regression indicated that the PPDIS from the Revised-PPT and age explained 18.5% of the variance in reported hearing aid outcome on the IOI-HA. It appeared that better self-reported hearing aid outcome on the IOI-HA is associated with older age and overestimation of listening ability.

Conclusions: It is concluded that the QuickSIN speech material can replace HINT to measure PPT. The Revised-PPT might be a useful tool in predicting hearing aid use success.
