Technical Session II |

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Saturday, October 5th
3:15 PM

On an Enhancement of RNA Probing Data Using Information Theory

Thomas J.X. Li, University of Virginia
Christian M. Reidys, University of Virginia

Student Union 3110

3:15 PM - 3:40 PM

Quantifying Pollen Traits to Build a Mathematical Model of Pollen Competition - a Biologist's Perspective

Rob Swanson, Valparaiso University
Alex Capaldi, Valparaiso University

Student Union 3120

3:15 PM - 3:40 PM

The Universal Sequence of Nested Canalizing Functions: Change of Variables, Symmetries, and Direct Impact on the Phase Space of a Boolean network

Devin Akman, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Fusun Akman, Illinois State University

Student Union 3310

3:15 PM - 3:40 PM

Mathematical Modeling in Precalculus, Calculus I, and Modeling Courses

Megan Buzby

Student Union 3314

3:15 PM - 3:40 PM

3:45 PM

The Energy-spectrum of Bicompatible Sequences

Wenda Huang

Student Union 3110

3:45 PM - 4:10 PM

Quantifying Pollen Traits to Build a Mathematical Model of Pollen Competition - a Mathematician's Perspective

Montana Ferita, Westminster College
Julie Fucarino, Wellesley College
Alex Capaldi, Valparaiso University
Charlotte Beckford, Fordham University

Student Union 3120

3:45 PM - 4:10 PM

Period Drift in a Neutrally Stable Stochastic Oscillator

Kevin Sanft

Student Union 3310

3:45 PM - 4:10 PM

Engaging Undergraduates in Research in Mathematical Biology with Limited Resources

Timothy Comar, Benedictine University

Student Union 3314

3:45 PM - 4:10 PM

4:15 PM

Design of Experiments for Unique Wiring Diagram Identification

Elena Dimitrova, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Student Union 3110

4:15 PM - 4:40 PM

Beyond the Binary (Part 1): Re-envisioning the Complexity of Life History Evolution in the Bromeliaceae with Comparative Data

Rachel Jabaily
Erin Bodine, Rhodes College

Student Union 3120

4:15 PM - 4:40 PM

Analog Implementation of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model Neuron

Zachary D. Mobille, Illinois State University
George H. Rutherford, Illinois State University
Jordan Brandt-Trainer, Illinois State University
Rosangela Follmann, Illinois State University
Epaminondas Rosa, Illinois State University

Student Union 3310

4:15 PM - 4:40 PM

It Takes a Village: Delivering Education and Enabling Research in Mathematical Biology via an Organized Community Approach

Hannah Callender Highlander, University of Portland
Olcay Akman, Illinois State University

Student Union 3314

4:15 PM - 4:40 PM

4:45 PM

Loop Homology of Bi-secondary Structures

Andrei Bura

Student Union 3110

4:45 PM - 5:10 PM

Beyond the Binary (Part 2): Quantifying Differences in Reproductive Effort Among Life History Strategies in Bromeliaceae

Erin N. Bodine, Rhodes College

Student Union 3120

4:45 PM - 5:10 PM

Adaptive Randomized Rounding in the Big Parsimony Problem

Sangho Shim
Sunil Chopra, Northwestern University
Eunseok Kim, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway

Student Union 3310

4:45 PM - 5:10 PM

Integrating Mathematics and Biology in the Classroom: A Compendium of Case Studies and Labs

Becky Sanft, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Anne Walter, St. Olaf College

Student Union 3314

4:45 PM - 5:10 PM