Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date



Stevenson Center, workforce development programs, Illinois, Chicago


National and state governments understand the importance of an educated skilled workforce and have implemented support and training programs to assure the well-being of our nation and its employees. Listening to the news, it is impossible to ignore the headlines. Jobs are going overseas. “Any worker whose job does not require daily face-to-face interaction is now in jeopardy of being replaced by a lower-paid equally skilled worker thousands of miles away.” (Farnsworth. 2004.) According to Greg Mankiw the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, “outsourcing white-collar jobs is inevitable.” (Farnsworth. 2004.) America needs to create and maintain a skilled workforce. Skilled baby-boomers are retiring and not being replaced. “The American workplace is undergoing profound changes that are requiring all workers to acquire advanced skills to stay competitive in a global economy.” (Simon 1997, 1) “If Illinois is to remain competitive, workers must have access to and participate in ongoing education and training.” (Measuring Progress 2006, 12) American workers, and business owners alike, hear these headlines and worry about the future of their country and industry. The programs that are developed to help these workers and businesses need to be held to high standards and be able to prove their benefit and effectiveness.

Appendix 4- TIFWorks Recipients1.xls (50 kB)
TIF Works Recipients

Appendix 4- TIFWorks Recipients.xls (50 kB)
TIF Works Recipients

Appendix 3- TIFWorksApplication20061.pdf (166 kB)
TIF Works Application

Appendix 3- TIFWorksApplication2006.pdf (166 kB)
TIF Works Application
