"Inside the Flip: a Look at Teacher Motivations and Activities in Flipp" by Philip G. Pulley

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Rena Shifflet


In the educational setting of the 21st Century and with requirements imposed on schools through state and federal mandates such as the Every Student Succeeds Act, teachers are looking for ways bring additional higher level activities and collaboration into their classrooms. These requirements along with increased educational technologies in schools have many teachers exploring the flipped classroom model of instruction. In a flipped classroom, educators flip direct classroom instruction and traditional homework or practice. Students might watch a lecture video at home covering a concept at home and then apply the concept to problems in class with the aid of the teacher or engage in collaborative application with their classmates. After almost two decades of teachers implementing this model and research, little of that research exists at grade levels 6-12, the grade range in which the majority of flipped classroom instructors report that they teach. Additionally, much of the research conducted at those levels involves either student perceptions of the model or the impact course grades. This study looked inside the flipped classrooms of seven middle and high school teachers from a variety of subject areas including mathematics, science, Spanish, and social studies. Data for the study were collected through interviews, lesson plans and materials, as well as through a classroom observation of each teacher in order to gain a rounded picture of what educational activities were taking place inside of flipped classrooms. Furthermore, this study sought to look at the teachers’ motivations for using the model and to see if more activities were taking place in their classrooms.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access


