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Graduation Term


Document Type

Dissertation-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Thomas P. Crumpler


A major assumption on which this study was based is that principals are looked to by their teachers as leaders of transformational change in their school. In order for these principals to be successful in leader transformational change principals must have received training and practice on leading transformational changes in a school environment. Furthermore, elementary principals are often tasked with so many responsibilities that leading transformational change becomes more difficult to see through completion.

Based on these assumptions, the purpose of this study was to investigate the preparation elementary principals received prior becoming principals and through their professional development to lead transformational changes. Six elementary principals were interviewed to determine what preparation they received in their graduate coursework, ongoing professional development, and independent learning to prepare them to successfully lead transformational change. An autobiographical analysis of the researcher’s experiences in leading transformational changes are combined with the results of the interviews in order to create a deeper study.

KEYWORDS: transformational change; leading transformational change; principal preparation


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