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Graduation Term


Document Type

Dissertation-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Robyn Seglem


This study aims to explore and better understand the narratives that high school students tell about themselves in relation to school, academics, and future outlook. Using a narrative approach in the form of life stories I intend to explore to what extent one’s school experience mitigates the academic, occupational, and life outlook that students construct for themselves due to both a real and perceived evaluation of the skills, attitudes, and coursework that they believe to possess or have access to necessary for academic achievement. Having experiences in formal schooling settings for most of their lives, factors are present that impact the way individual students see themselves in relation to academic success, ability, and competence. Using Holland et al.’s (1998) theoretical framework of “figured worlds,” I hope to shed light on the figured world of academic success and the socializing agents that students use to construct meaning in ultimately formulating academic identities.

Keywords: identity, subjectivity, academic identity, narrative analysis, figured worlds, high school


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