Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology: School Psychology

Committee Chair

Leandra N. Parris

Committee Member

Eric D. Wesselman


Those who identify as transgender face subtle discrimination in the form of microaggressions, which are behaviors and statements, often unconscious or unintentional, that communicate hostile or derogatory messages, particularly to members of marginalized social groups (Nadal et al., 2016). This study explored the microaggressions that transgender participants experience and the psychological effects on their feelings of social exclusion. Specifically, we hypothesized that transgender individuals experience microaggressions that make them feel socially excluded. The participants’ ages ranged from 18-66 and identified as nonbinary, agender, demiboy, genderqueer, male, or female. The study used an online survey that had the participants recall memories of microaggressions or a control, and then they rated their emotional responses to those experiences. The results showed that transgender individuals experience a variety of complex microaggressions, which can cause feelings of significant social exclusion. Different types of microaggressive experiences can significantly impact feelings of relational value. Due to the complex nature of these microaggressive experiences and severe feelings of social exclusion, there may be a variety of mental health impacts that transgender individuals are experiencing.


Page Count


Included in

Psychology Commons
