Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)


School of Music

Committee Chair

Roy D. Magnuson


Symphony No. 1: For a Handsome Kid is a musical realization of my feelings and experiences regarding my late grandfather, Harlan Kelsey (H. K.) Hinkley (1937-2013). I personally had not learned to appreciate classical music until after H. K. had passed, and as he was very much a connoisseur of classical music, we did not get to enjoy that appreciation together in this life. With this piece, I wanted to memorialize H. K.’s life, personality, and interests. Symphony No. 1 cultivates themes reflecting H. K.’s love of spaceflight, his decades-long church membership, and specific concert music works. The work is for wind ensemble, as H. K. played in concert bands for many years. There is also an offstage euphonium soloist, representing H. K.’s euphonium playing now separated from those who survived him.

This piece is through-composed, and though divided into distinct movements, each is performed consecutively without pause. The duration is approximately eighteen minutes. Throughout the piece, each of the three major themes are significantly developed individually and collectively, lending cohesion to the entire work. The offstage euphonium is also used in several sections of the piece for dramatic effect as well as to represent specific extramusical events in H. K.’s life. Finally, there are several smaller musical references to H. K.’s other interests that are less extensively explored than the primary themes; these other allusions add to the overall effect of depicting H. K.’s character and personality.


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