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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Biological Sciences

Committee Chair

Nathan T. Mortimer


The goal of this research is to study the condition of bacteremia and the related systemic immune response it causes bacteremia. Analysis has revealed spontaneously occurring bacteremia–like infections in lab flies. Initial data gathered indicated that Drosophila might represent a viable model organism in which to further study the condition. After isolating bacterial strains associated with these cases, procedures were generated in an attempt to replicate the infections for controlled analysis. However, initial attempts with fly isolated S. epidermidis have thus far failed. Further study is required, utilizing the other isolated bacterial strains. In conjunction, reanalysis of previously gathered RNA sequence data from human septic patients was conducted. Reanalysis revealed several previously undiscovered connections between gene expression and sepsis outcome. This data suggests that an initially high, but general immune response may be the most beneficial to septic patients. It also suggests that the patients ability to fight off viral reactivation may play a large role in patient outcome. Finally, it suggests a previously unknown link between patients with autoimmunity and positive sepsis prognosis.


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