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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Eric Wesselmann


Diverse samples and replication are two important aspects of scientific research. Our research replicates a previous study, which examined how Christians being led to believe God will either include or exclude them influenced well-being scores. Data for our replication was collected at two separate sites (i.e., a public university and a private, religious-based university). The confirmatory hypothesis of the main effect of exclusion on well-being was supported. Christians who thought about being abandoned by their God (exclusion condition) had lowered well-being compared to Christians who thought about their God always including them (inclusion condition) or their God creating the Earth (control condition). Religious commitment to God did not moderate the relation between thinking about being excluded and well-being scores. A mini meta-analysis was conducted on our data and the original authors’ data, which showed a large effect of thinking about God’s abandonment on well-being. These results add to the research on when religion is helpful or harmful to mental health and may be influential to the counseling community when assisting religious clients.


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