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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Adam Jagodinsky

Committee Member

Michael Torry


Mechanical strategies for increasing speed have been well documented, but there is very little information available on the muscle forces generated to achieve these changes. The purpose of this study is to utilize musculoskeletal modeling to observe the effects of running speed on individual muscle force contributions during the propulsion phase of running. 10 current and former NCAA DI track athletes ran three trails at three different running speeds. Motion capture and ground reaction force data were loaded into Opensim to estimate the individual muscle forces contributing to the net joint torques. Muscle were combined into functional groups and we observed that running speeds had a significant effect on the peak forces generated by the ILPSO, GMAX, RF, SOL, TibPost, and VAS. The SOL and VAS group produced the highest peak forces across all speeds but as speeds increased, saw their percent change decrease from 20% to 9% in the SOL and 43% to 17% in the VAS. The GMAX increased peak forces by 58% from 2 m/s to 4 m/s and another 68% from 4 m/s to 6 m/s. This trend of increased contributions from the hip extensors aligns with the observations made in other studies that found as speeds near 7 m/s, humans alter their running mechanics to a favor a hip focused strategy to increase stride frequency.


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