Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Adam E. Jagodinsky


The primary purpose of this research was to assess how the kinematic performance of an inside of the foot soccer ball control movement changed with an internal, external, or holistic attentional focus coaching cue. The researchers used pendulum catapult to launch a soccer ball from 8.5 meters at the participant. Ten female active NCAA division 1 soccer players received one of three cues, or no cue, and then had five trials to control the ball onto an artificial turf mat to score 1-3 points depending on where the ball landed. Participants completed a manipulation check survey to ascertain the efficacy of the coaching cues. A motion capture system was used to quantify the movement and processed through Visual3D software for the joint angles during 10 frames before and after ball contact. A repeated-measures ANOVA found no significant difference in any of the kinematic variables nor the performance measures between the different cuing conditions, although there were trends within the performance data indicating a higher performance in the holistic cuing condition (mean(sd): .68 (.40)) compared to no cue condition (mean(sd): .28 (.25)). The means of the survey questions indicated strong compliance with the instructions. Given the novelty and exploratory nature of the study, the researchers concluded that the time interval analyzed was insufficient to reveal how the different coaching cues influenced the movement performance. Further analysis is required to assess different kinematic variables and time intervals within the movement.


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Biomechanics Commons
