"Construction of News in the U.s. and Russian Press: Comparative Analys" by Ekaterina Rybakova

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

John Huxford

Committee Member

Megan Hopper


This study contributes to the discussion of international media communication by analyzing the way the U.S. and Russian press portrayed the presidential summit in Helsinki that took place in July 2018 and featured a one-on-one meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. The researcher aimed to uncover what ideas and beliefs major American and Russian print outlets conveyed to their audiences when covering the Trump-Putin summit, and whether there was a difference between Russian and American media framing of the same event. The researcher used grounded theory principles to code and categorize summit-related articles from a range of major American and Russian newspapers, and then identified themes and frames during the process of textual analysis. The differences and similarities between the U.S. and Russian news coverage were determined by looking at Trump and Putin performance evaluation, as well as the U.S.-Russia relations. Later in the paper, findings and their implications are offered, and directions for future research discussed.

Access Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only



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