"“There’s Something That I Want You To Know ”: an Analysis of Coming ou" by Franklin J. Kimmell

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Phillip Chidester


There has been no previous research analyzing coming out videos published to YouTube

by content creators in relation to discourse dependency, online community building, and co- cultural theory. Galvin’s (2006) discourse dependent communication has been used in family communication research to examine how non-normative families have to use communication to prove their identity as a family unit. Orbe’s (1998) co-cultural theory is used to study interactions between members of the dominant culture and members of co-cultures, specifically looking at the strategic ways in which members of co-cultures communicate with dominant group

members. In this study, I aimed to analyze how content creators on YouTube, in their coming out videos, utilized the four external boundary management strategies of discourse dependent communication: labeling, explaining, legitimizing, and defending. I also examined how the content creators and viewer comments constructed an online community. I used co-cultural theory to analyze the interactions happening in the comments section between viewers to see what co-cultural strategies were being used. I selected five coming out videos to watch in order to complete this study.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access



Included in

Communication Commons
