Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology: Archaeology

Committee Chair

Elizabeth Scott


Archaeology has allowed for underrepresented, often invisible, groups of people within history to become visible and have their stories told. Minority groups such as women, African Americans, and those occupying the lower class are just some of these underrepresented groups who have been identified through cultural remains. Despite archaeologists' best efforts in identifying these groups; there is still much work yet to be conducted. There is a lack of information from the eighteenth-century, and even less work done on the way ethnicity and class impact women's visibility within the archaeological record.

This paper utilizes seven site reports, from households of different economic position, dating to the eighteenth-century. Using ceramic assemblages and women's activity related materials, I examine how factors such as class and ethnicity impact women's visibility at these domestic sites. Analysis of this data shows distinct differences between women's activities and visibility when comparing those of the upper class and those of the middle and lower classes, and parallels are seen in the assemblages of both the middle and lower classes.


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