"Sprint Speed and Musculoskeletal Fitness Test Performance in Youth" by Brittany Nicole Walleck

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Kelly R. Laurson


Sprint speed is a common focus of adult strength and conditioning programming and research. However, the links between sprint speed and other tests of musculoskeletal performance have not been extensively studied in youth. PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship between sprint speed and tests of jumping performance, muscular strength/endurance, agility, and anaerobic capacity in children and adolescents. METHODS: The analysis included 402 boys and 148 girls (ages 7 to 18 years) participating in a baseline musculoskeletal fitness evaluation. Sprint speed was assessed via a 10-yard and 20-yard sprint. Agility and anaerobic capacity were assessed via the pro-agility and 200-yard shuttle run, respectively. Muscular strength and endurance was assessed by maximal number of chin-ups and jumping performance was assessed via vertical jump, broad jump, and 5-hop jump tests. Pearson correlations were used to determine the associations between each fitness test relative to the 10- & 20-yard sprints, controlling for age and sex. RESULTS: Correlations were stronger between 20-yard dash and musculoskeletal fitness test than the 10-yard dash and musculoskeletal fitness. For example, the highest correlations were with the pro-agility test which was r= 0.76 for the 20-yard dash and r= 0.66 for the 10-yard dash. Data shows stronger associations for the pro-agility and 200-yard shuttle run with the 20-yard dash compared to the other musculoskeletal fitness tests with correlations of r= 0.76 and 0.76, respectively. The broad jump had a slightly better relationship than other jumping performance tests with a correlation of r= -0.66. However, these jumps were generally very similar in strength with the relationships of r= -0.63 for the vertical jump test and r= -0.63 for the 5-hop test. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show stronger relationships with the agility and anaerobic capacity musculoskeletal fitness tests. In general, we found weak-to-moderate association between sprint speed and several dimensions of muscular fitness in youth. Future investigations are needed to determine if enhancement of these other aspects of fitness would lead to improvements in sprinting times.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access



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Kinesiology Commons
