Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Noelle Selkow


Context: There are many techniques used by athletic trainers in the management of concussions. Athletic trainers may use different management methods based on workplace setting but it is unclear what those differences may be. Objective: To determine the current concussion management protocols used by athletic trainers in different workplace settings. Design: Quantitative analysis. Setting: Web-based survey. Patients or Other Participants: A link to an online survey was sent to 1000 Certified Athletic Trainers through the National Athletic Trainers' Association. One hundred twenty-seven participants responded to the survey from the following settings: College (n=35), High School (n=72), Non-Academic (n=20). Main Outcome Measure(s): Data was collected describing the practices used by athletic trainers in the diagnosis and management of a concussion, as well as the return to play process following a concussive injury. Additional information described the involvement of a physician or sports medicine team throughout the process. Results: Participants reported managing 21.55 ± 22.18 concussions in an average year. High school athletic trainers diagnosed 84.7% of all concussions and made return to play decisions 72.2% of the time. The ImPACT test was used most often in this setting. A total of 88.6% of college athletic trainers reported having an assigned physician at their current workplace. A physician or sports medicine team was typically responsible for diagnosing

concussions and making return to play decisions. Athletic trainers in non-academic settings refer to physicians for concussion diagnoses and return to play decisions. Conclusions: This study identified a number of differences in concussion practices among athletic trainers in different workplaces settings. In addition, the presence and involvement of a physician varied a considerable amount in the different settings. High school athletic trainers are primarily responsible for diagnosing and managing concussions more often than athletic trainers in the college and non-academic settings. Key Words: concussion management, return to play guidelines


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