"Another Kind of Pink Tide? an Investigation into the Rapid Expansion o" by Christopher Joseph Petkus

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Politics and Government: Political Science

Committee Chair

Carlos A. Parodi


Within the past two decades or so, the Latin American region has seen a remarkable rise in the enactment of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) rights-affirming policies. This trend is particularly notable given the dearth of such progress in the rest of the developing world. As such, this study aims to contribute to the small but rapidly growing body of literature on the subject. In particular, I aim to determine which factors are most explanatory of when and why countries will enact LGBT rights policies and why a disparity exists across the region. The first systematic study of its kind, findings suggest that structural, institutional, and cultural factors all play major roles, particularly federalism, the language of a state's constitution, and religious trends. Noting the limitations of the research, I proceed to suggest possible future research directions.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


