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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Nicole Hoffman


Background: Sport related concussion (SRC) is a rapidly growing topic worldwide. Commonly reported symptoms of SRC are fatigue and vestibular-ocular motor disturbances, but there is limited research examining this relationship. Current SRC diagnostic tools do not have a strong sensitivity and specificity and do not incorporate vestibular-ocular motor testing immediately following concussion despite the prevalence of acute visual disturbances. Furthermore, evidence is minimal on vestibular-ocular motor functioning following immediate removal from activity in healthy individuals.

Purpose: To determine the association of vestibular-ocular motor functioning and fatigue in healthy collegiate athletes across 2 times points (pre-practice and within 5 minutes of removal from practice), as well as between sexes.

Methods: Forty-six healthy collegiate athletes (male=23, female=23) between the ages of 18-23 completed a demographic and medical history questionnaire. A baseline Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screen (VOMS; smooth pursuit, vertical saccades, horizontal saccades, horizontal vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR), vertical VOR, visual motion sensitivity (VMS), and near point convergence) and Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale were administered prior to practice. VOMS and RPE scale measures were then administered again within 5 minutes of removal from practice. Alpha level was set a priori at α ≤ 0.05.

Results: Significant associations were found in smooth pursuits dizziness (rs = 0.324, p = 0.028), horizontal VOR headache (rs = -0.297, p = of 0.045), and VMS headache (rs = -0.344, p = 0.019). Additionally, in males there was a significant association from pre-practice to post-practice in horizontal VOR dizziness (rs = 0.457, p = 0.028) and VMS headache (rs = -0.472, p = 0.023) in females.

Conclusion: Athletes who experienced higher levels of perceived exertion demonstrated various symptom changes as evident following smooth pursuits, VOR, and VMS. Clinicians should be aware of these significant associations with the symptoms of VOMS and perceived exertion and treat their athlete, accordingly, considering the level of fatigue.


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