""Do N't Stop Believin'"in a Pair of Socks: How the Sopranos Shapes Our" by Adam Richard Brockman

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Phillip J. Chidester


This study rhetorically analyzed the final season of The Sopranos for its argument about

the nature of psychological depression in several contexts and forms. Consisting of nine

episodes, the final season of the series features pivotal moments in which characters confront the

sources of their depression and respond to them in a variety of ways. The study used both an

intertextual analysis and Burkean frames to provide insight into how the final season argues one

might overcome various forms of depression. It specifically considered depression related to

one’s family experiences, their existential concerns regarding death and spirituality, and their

indulgence in contemporary media platforms. The study’s general implications and applications

to future research are also discussed..

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access



Included in

Communication Commons
