"Men of Peoria in the Civil War" by Raymond Wesley Sanders

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Committee Chair

Lucy Lucile Tasher


The candidate has always been particularly interested in the Civil War period of American history. This interest was stimulated further by his study under Dr. Lucy Lucile Tasher in the course, "Lincoln: the Man and His Times." As the candidate was a teacher at East Peoria Community High School at the time, the idea of writing a local history research study on the role of the Peoria soldiers in the Civil War was both appealing and challenging. During the study, the candidate has tried to adhere to the educational research requirements of reliability, objectivity, validity, and historical accuracy, through the use of primary sources, checking of facts, and careful documentation. Cross-checking the newspaper articles with other sources of information has added to the historical accuracy of the work. Since this is a newspaper study, it has served to bring familiarity with Civil War journalism, problems and praises, and has brought an intimate understanding of local attitudes and reactions. In many special ways, this project has been a help to the candidate. He will be able to use some of the material in his teaching of United States history at East Peoria Community High School. It has given him a firmer grasp of Civil War geography, particularly in the Mississippi Valley, which will aid him in his vacation travels. He has a broader understanding of the whole picture of this period in United States history, from the personal feelings of the soldiers to the movements of the Union armies in the West. From the standpoint of local history, this study has taken information from numerous sources and put it together in one study, available for anyone who might find it interesting and informative. It has made the candidate more aware of the value of these sources of information, and of the significance of local history as it affects and is affected by national history.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access

Included in

Education Commons
