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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Politics and Government: Political Science

Committee Chair

Michaelene D. Cox


Frames are shortcuts or cognitive devices individuals use to understand social situations or activities. They play a particularly important role in protracted social conflict as a lens through which disputants interpret their situation and enemies. It is divergent frames that lead to the escalation and prolongation of engagements and are important tools for understanding a conflict as prolonged as the Israeli-Palestinian one. This study employs a method of frame analysis; specifically frame bridging, to reframe a collective identity among Israelis and Palestinians based on a common and interconnected history, a shared geographic continuity in Palestine, and conjoint teachings and traditions of Abrahamic faith. This thesis explores the possibility of bridging such a collective identity and demonstrates the impact it might have on the peace process. By situating the new identity in the framework of a shared state for Israelis and Palestinians, this study argues that a discussion of alternative frameworks beyond partition plans is required if sustainable peace is to ever be realized.


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