"Social Support, Mental Health Problems, and Rule Infractions: a Study " by Suraiya H. Shammi

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Criminal Justice Sciences

Committee Chair

Brent Teasdale


Currently there are few studies that solely focused on female inmates and their mental health problems. There is huge lack of in-depth examination on the impact of social support variables on overall rule infractions. Using a multilevel analysis, this study analyzed the moderation effect of social support variables on rule infractions among female inmates (n=2,930) from the 2004 Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities in the United States. Findings suggest that almost 55% of the sample suffered from mental health problems where female inmates with mental health problems reported significantly higher rates of minor rule infractions (78%). Also, the results found that with high level of stress and unstable social support inmates tend to involve with more substance-related rule infractions. The findings suggest for more research to understand broader implications of social support on mental health conditions of female inmates.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


