"Improving Failure Mode & Effect Analysis ( Fmea ) Method Using Discret" by Adil Abdukeyum

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Technology

Committee Chair

Borinara Park


To improve system performances and process dependability, analyzing the system accurately is an essential step but difficult to achieve and it is even more challenging if the system is complex and dynamic. A popular tool called FMEA has been widely used to analyze and improve systems. However, both academia and industry acknowledge its subjectivity and lack of cause-effect analysis capability. Therefore, in this research, the author presents a more objective and data-driven method called Discrete Event Simulation to improve FMEA’s analysis capability. Also, how the Discrete Event Simulation may enhance the FMEA by a step-by-step analysis approach is presented by a case study. The case study illustrates that Discrete Event Simulation can offer more quantitative analysis for FMEA so it could conduct a more reliable evaluation on system performance.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


