Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Julie Campbell


Children’s social and emotional development is essential for well being (Garner & Estep, 2001). Prior research has examined the impact of teacher-child interactions on children’s school adjustment, but little research has been done to explore how certain behaviors children demonstrate with teachers influence peer interactions (Graves Jr. & Howes, 2011; Rudasill et al., 2013). The goal of the study was to examine whether the proportion of interactions and the positive or negative connotation of the interactions that a child had with teachers had an impact on social-emotional relations with peers. Using archival observational data collected while children participated in a 12-week art education program, I focused on teacher interactions, including (a) the proportion of positive engagement and guided instruction combined and (b) the proportion of non-compliance. Peer interactions were also analyzed with respect to (a) the proportion of working together and helping combined and (b) the proportion of conflict. It was hypothesized that teacher-child interactions in the fall would predict peer interactions in the spring. It was also hypothesized that peer interactions in the fall would predict peer interactions in the spring. Lastly, gender differences were hypothesized when examining teacher-child and peer interactions. As expected, negative peer interactions in the fall predicted negative peer interactions in the spring. Significant correlations were also found among some of the proportional measures. The findings provided insight about the stability of negative peer interactions for young children. Future studies should examine the impact these negative peer relations have on children as they develop.


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