Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Ellis Hurd


This action research qualitative study focused on the role that targeted professional development has on shifting the ways in which middle school math and science educators view their culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students; in addition, this study focused on the role that professional development plays on shifting teacher identity. Through this study, four middle level math and science educators took part in a four month professional development opportunity that included interviews, questionnaires, video lessons, and focus groups. Through this experience, the educators shifted their views of CLD students to be more asset-based. When looking at the shifts in their perceptions of identity, all of the educators shifted to be more comfortable talking about the role that identity plays in the educational system as well as shifted their understandings of the ways in which our identities affect the way we teach and the way that we, as well as our students, learn.


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