"Womanist Ways in a Man's World: Unpacking Anti-blackness in Higher Edu" by Mesha C Garner

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Pamela Twyman Hoff


This study evaluated the phenomenon of anti-Black womanism in enrollment management at Historically White Institutions (HWIs) for Black women professionals. The qualitative study was conducted to understand dialectical functions of enrollment management and the dialectical responsibilities that Black women have while working in enrollment management. The theoretical framework of anti-Black womanism guided this study. Anti-Black womanism is a dual lens of BlackCrit (Dei, 2017; Dumas and Ross, 2016) and Womanism (Phillips, 2006). Furthermore, this study comprised the historical perspective and acknowledged the settler-colonial complex to best conceptualize the perceptions of Black people, particularly Black women. This study included 10 participants, all who have worked in enrollment management at the divisional level or a sub-level in the offices of financial aid, registrar, or admissions. Narrative inquiry was used as the method for data collection. Four themes emerged that revealed the consistent duality that Black women experience within their positions.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access


