"“It Was Too Many People To Like: ” How Romantic Relationship Partners " by Emily Jae Mason

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Amiee Miller-Ott


Jealousy expression has been the topic of academic research for several years. As reflected by their Communication Responses to Jealousy Scale, Guerrero et al. (2011) determined 11 communicative responses to jealousy that fell into four distinct categories. However, the study of jealousy expression has yet to be applied to several underrepresented identities. Utilizing queer theory, this study aimed to explore which communicative responses to jealousy bisexual and pansexual individuals report receiving in dyadic romantic relationships with a monosexist partner and whether they perceived these responses to be related to their gender identity or sexual orientation. An online questionnaire was completed by 62 bisexual or pansexual participants who had been in a dyadic romantic relationship with a monosexist partner who had displayed jealousy expression. Through qualitative analysis, it was determined that participants experienced responses to jealousy that fit into all of Guerrero’s four communicative responses to jealousy categories, some to a higher degree than others. Additionally, themes connecting gender and jealousy emerged, demonstrating the benefit of queering the study of jealousy expression. Implications of the study, limitations, and future research are then discussed.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access



Included in

Communication Commons
