Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Joseph Zompetti


The Me Too movement garnered digital disclosures after Alyssa Milano’s initial tweet in October 2017. Over the period of two years, different remixes of #MeToo surfaced which led to the subsequent hijack of the hashtag. Furthermore, Boyle (2019) argued that the movement can be studied as a “moment” or a “discourse.” Scholars have examined Me Too as a moment, or a singular occurrence that emerged due to mainstream popularity. However, this analysis will study the movement as a discourse, to reveal the intricate interactions present with each remixed hashtag. Through Fisher’s narrative paradigm, an in-depth analysis will be conducted to examine how Twitter disclosures contain narrative coherence and fidelity. Additionally, Bowers et al.’s The Rhetoric of Agitation and Control, a social movement framework, will be applied to examine how members of the Me Too movement use disclosures as a means to recruit members, petition their goals, and protest assaulters. Remixing a hashtag was identified as a strategy utilized by survivors to recontextualize their argument and mobilize the movement. Further implications will be discussed to examine the direction of the Me Too movement.


Page Count


Included in

Rhetoric Commons
